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The (Album) Book of Invisiable Labour

Installation &
Artist’s Book

• Roznama 8 exhibition and competition (2021) 

• Featured in ‘Art at the end of the world’ on Mada Masr by Ismail Bahar, Published by Mada Masr (2021)

The (Album) Book of Invisible Labour is an installation that contains an artist’s book, the book is a reproduction of family albums and  deals with various depictions of domestic work as socially and economically invisible, especially for women.

The work is an extension of an on-going art project on the aesthetics of the interior enviroment of middle class families in Egypt.  By Using art as a medium that critically questions women roles,  the everyday and how we relate the history of middle class families.
In the current stage of the project, i’m artistically interested in the acts of deconstruct  and reconstructing to explore the relationship between what’s personal and political.

“Expanding this further, Hagar Ezzeldin’s installation The Book of the Invisible Labour (CIC) and Rania Atef’s texts and drawings Conversations in the Beehive ( CIC) attempt to critique the often ignored reality of a domestic space, a space that is always feminized and relegated to women, whose presence is hidden, but also their labor in maintaining and sustaining such space. Ezzeldin’s installation and artist book show a remarkable sensitivity in trying to capture the notions of invisibility and habit when it comes to the work of women”

  • Followed by a discussion panel on ‘The Invisible Labor In Art’ hosted by Medrar for Contemporary Arts, featuring Hagar Ezzeldin (Artist), Mohamed Salah (Filmmaker), and Mohamed Hamada (Exhibition technical officer) and moderated by Nariman Abou elseoud (Exhibition curator).

Roznama 8 publication,published by Medrar for contemporary art
The book of invisiable labour, Hagar Ezzeldin, 2021
Design by Engy Mohsen


Photos credits: Mohammed Hemly

Photos credits: The Artist

Photos credits: Mohammed Helmy 


Roznama 8 video documentation, Medrar TV team: Mohamed Helmy and Amir Eid,
produced by Medrar for contemporary art,2021.