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Domestic Fantasies (1)


• Performed at the museum of fine arts in Alexanderia 

• Published in Emergency Index Vol.9 (Ugly Duckling/New York) (2020)
The performance is an extended artistic form to a research-based art project that traces the domestic history of the middle-class Egyptian Families. The performance is developed during a workshop by Artist Mohamed Abdelkarim and performed at the museum of fine arts in Alexandria, Egypt.  

I utilized the museum architecture and design to create a staging experience that engaged the audiences to question what everydayness means in terms of space,  temporality and memory.
While my performance was action based, I  constellated it with written reflections inspired by Haytham Al-Wardani's work  “How to disappear” (Kayfa-Ta Publications, 2013).

The performance was published and included in 'Emergency index Vol.9.' (Ugly Duckling presse/ New York) Edited by Zoe Guttenplan.

Emergency Index is an annual print publication documenting a wide range of performance events,as described by their creators.

Domestic fantasies (1), Performance, Muesum of fine arts in Alexanderia, 2019

Emergency index Vol.9 (Ugly Duckling presse/New York) Edited by Zoe Guttenplan.